Regular yoga and meditation may help you in this difficult time
Dhruva Thapa, USA (Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance)

Meditate to balance your mind and body

Regular yoga and meditation have become crucial practices in these difficult times. The world is currently facing an unimaginable pandemic, leaving us with no choice but to adapt to a life of solitude, social distancing, and isolation. The stress and confusion caused by the current global environment are affecting everyone, making it essential to find relief and solace. Amidst the economic downturn and the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, it is natural to feel overwhelmed. Questions about when it will end, whether a full diagnosis is possible, and what the long-term plan to prevent such crises might remain unanswered. The fear of an invisible force and the toll it takes on our lives are becoming increasingly burdensome.

In these trying times, we can turn to the ancient practices of yoga and meditation for some respite. It is believed that the challenges we face today will have a long-lasting impact, and it may take years before we find a permanent solution. Therefore, it is crucial to incorporate yoga, meditation, and a simple lifestyle into our daily routine. By doing so, we can boost our morale, cultivate a positive mindset, and avoid negative thinking. According to our scriptures, each individual is born with their own destiny, and their time on Earth is predetermined. None of us can foresee the future, so it is imperative to focus on making today better and happier. By investing in our health and well-being today, we can equip ourselves to face any challenges that may come our way tomorrow.

Fortunately, numerous yoga, meditation, and positive thinking classes are now available online during this epidemic. It is advisable to establish a daily routine that includes allocating time for these practices on platforms such as YouTube and social media. By doing so, we can shield ourselves from the constant influx of tragic events and news that exacerbate our fears and anxieties.

Engaging in yoga and meditation at specific times of the day can help maintain a positive and energetic mindset. Regularly incorporating breathing techniques, such as pranayama, taught in yoga, can enhance the process of strengthening and balancing our physical and mental well-being. Additionally, practicing Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and other yoga asanas on a regular basis can be beneficial. Simple breathing exercises, guided meditations, or any form of heart rate-based exercises can assist in calming our nervous system. Considering the heightened levels of stress we are all experiencing, managing our mental and physical well-being has never been more crucial. By sharing our daily routines and how we are coping, we can support one another in managing stress. In these challenging times, sharing is indeed caring, and together, we can emerge stronger than our stressors.

Personally, I have been dedicating at least one hour every day to yoga and meditation through regular online classes. I have experienced positive transformations in my life as a result. My body has become more flexible and agile, while my mind has become calmer and more focused, enabling me to engage in creative pursuits. Engaging in these practices daily has provided me with a sense of balance and the ability to navigate life’s challenges with ease. Instead of worrying about an uncertain future and how to return to normalcy, I have shifted my focus to improving myself and striving for greater success in the present. What tomorrow holds will be revealed in due time, so why should we allow ourselves to feel helpless when we have made such advancements in science? It is essential to concentrate on the present, focusing on maintaining good health and happiness. Incorporating yoga and meditation into our daily routines is a beautiful way to navigate this confusing situation. Reflect on how you can forge a new path in life, fostering balance and energy.

To experience increased balance and energy in your own life, make yoga, meditation, pranayama, and positive thinking regular practices. These practices tap into our inner science and have the power to improve our overall well-being, bringing us good health and happiness. Embracing yoga and meditation as part of our daily lives reveals that they extend beyond mere physical poses and asanas. They encompass positive affirmations and a lifestyle of positivity that connects our mind, body, and soul, leaving a profound impact on our lives.

Take a moment to reflect on how you are doing these days. What are your current activities? How are you spending your time? Do you experience sleepless nights, headaches, or mood swings due to anxiety? Are you prioritizing daily hygiene, nutritious meals, and balanced nutrition? Neglecting these aspects may lead to depression. To avoid such a scenario, incorporate daily yoga practice into your routine. Yoga not only strengthens our bones and joints but also purifies our soul, revitalizing our life energy. Stay positive and focus on the present rather than worrying about tomorrow. Although life may present challenges after this pandemic, our growth and possibilities remain unaffected. Let us draw inspiration from Confucius, who said, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

In conclusion, let us embrace the teachings of Buddha, who encourages us to be a lamp unto ourselves, our own source of confidence. Hold onto the truth within yourself, as it is the only truth that matters.

Please note that this article is solely for informational purposes and does not substitute professional advice for physical or mental health conditions. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.
